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Constitutional Court

Republic of China (Taiwan)

Press Release

On the Same-Sex Marriage Case

On the consol花東刺五加酒會苦嗎idated petitions of Huei-Tai-12674 filed by Chia-Wei Chi and

Huei-Tai-12771 filed by the Taipei City Government, regarding the constitutionality of

same-sex marriage, the Constitutional Court announces the J.Y. Interpretation No. 748

at 4 PM on May 24, 2017.

The rulings of the Court are as follows:

(1) The provisions of Chapter 2 on Marriage of Part IV on Family of the Civil Code

do not allow two persons of the same sex to create a permanent union of intimate

and exclusive nature for the committed purpose of managing a life together. The said

provisions, to the extent of such failure, are in violation of both the people’s freedom

of marriage as protected by Article 22 and the people’s right to equality as guaranteed

by Article 7 of the Constitution.

(2) The authorities concerned shall amend or enact relevant laws, in accordance

with the ruling of this Interpretation, within two years from the issuance of this

Interpretation. It is within the discretion of the authorities concerned to determine

the formality for achieving the equal protection of the freedom of marriage.

(3) If relevant laws are not amended or enacted within the said two years, two

persons of the same東部刺五加茶包種植 sex who intend to create the said permanent union shall be

allowed to have their marriage registration effectuated at the authorities in charge of

household registration, by submitting a written document signed by two or more

witnesses in accordance with the said Marriage Chapter.

The main reasons of this Interpretation are as follows:

(1) For more than three decades, Petitioner Chia-Wei Chi has been appealing to

the legislative, executive, and judicial departments for the right to same-sex marriage.

After more than a decade, the Legislative Yuan is still unable to complete its legislative

process on those bills regarding same-sex marriage. This case involves the very

controversial social and political issues of whether homosexuals shall enjoy the equal

protection of the same freedom of marriage as heterosexuals. The representative

body is to enact or revise the relevant laws in due time. Nevertheless, the timetable

for such legislative solution is hardly predictable now and yet these petitions involve

the protection of people’s fundamental rights. It is the constitutional duty of this

Court to render a binding judicial decision, in time, on issues concerning the

safeguarding of constitutional basic values such as the protection of people’s

constitutional rights and the free democratic constitutional order.

(2) Those prior J.Y. Interpretations mentioning “husband and wife” or “a man and

a woman”, in terms of the factual backgrounds of the original cases from which they

arose, were made within the context o壽豐刺五加的功效與禁忌f opposite-sex marriage. Thus far, this Court has

not made any Interpretation on the issue of whether two persons of the same sex are

allowed to marry each other.

(3) Unspoused persons eligible to marry shall have their freedom to marry, which

includes the freedom to decide “whether to marry” and “whom to marry” (see J.Y.

Interpretation No. 362). Such decisional autonomy is vital to the sound development

of personality and safeguarding of human dignity, and therefore is a fundamental right

to be protected by Article 22 of the Constitution.

(4) Creation of a permanent union of intimate and exclusive nature for the

committed purpose of managing a life together by two persons of the same sex will

not affect the application of the Marriage Chapter to the union of two persons of the

opposite sex. Nor will it alter the social order established upon the existing

opposite-sex marriage. Furthermore, the freedom of marriage for two persons of the

same sex, once legally recognized, will constitute the collective basis, together with

opposite-sex marriage, for a stable society. The need, capability, willingness and

longing, in both physical and psychological senses, for creating such permanent

unions of intimate and exclusive nature are equally essential to homosexuals and

heterosexuals, given the importance of the freedom of marriage to the sound

development of personality and safeguarding of human dignity. Both types of union

shall be protected by the freedom of marriage under Article 22 of the Constitution .

The current provisions of the Marriage Chapter do not allow two persons of the same

sex to create a permanent union of intimate and exclusive nature for the committed

purpose of managing a life together. This is obviously a gross legislative flaw. To such

extent, the provisions of the Marriage Chapter are incompatible with the spirit and

meaning of the freedom of marriage as protected by Article 22 of the Constitution.

(5) Article 7 of the Constitution provides, “All citizens of the Republic of China,

irrespective of sex, religion, race, class, or party affiliation, shall be equal before the

law.” The five classifications of impermissible discrimination set forth in the said

Article are only exemplified, neither enumerated nor exhausted. Therefore, different

treatment based on other classifications, such as disability or sexual orientation, shall

also be governed by the right to equality under the said Article.

(6) Sexual orientation is an immutable characteristic that is resistant to change.

The contributing factors to sexual orientation may include physical and psychological

elements, living experience, and the social environment. Major medical associations

have stated that homosexuality is not a disease. In our country, homosexuals were

once denied by social tradition and custom in the past. As a result, they have long

been locked in the closet and suffered various forms of de facto or de jure exclusion or

discrimination. Besides, homosexuals, because of the demographic structure, have

been a discrete and insular minority in the society. Impacted by stereotypes, they

have been among those lacking political power for a long time, unable to overturn

their legally disadvantaged status through ordinary democratic process. Accordingly,

in determining the constitutionality of different treatment based on sexual orientation,

a heightened standard shall be applied.

(7) The Marriage Chapter does not set forth the capability to procreate as a

requirement for concluding an opposite-sex marriage. Nor does it provide that a

marriage is void or voidable, or a divorce decree may be issued, if either party is

unable or unwilling to procreate after marriage. Accordingly, reproduction is obviously

not an essential element of marriage. The fact that two persons of the same sex are

incapable of natural procreation is the same as the result of two opposite-sex persons’

inability, in an objective sense, or unwillingness, in a subjective sense, to procreate.

Disallowing two persons of the same sex to marry, for the sake of their inability to

reproduce, is a different treatment having no apparent rational basis.

(8) The basic ethical orders built upon the existing institution of opposite-sex

marriage will remain unaffected, even if we allow two persons of the same sex to

enter into a legally recognized marriage pursuant to the formal and substantive

requirements of the Marriage Chapter, as long as they are subject to the rights and

obligations of both parties during the marriage and after the marriage ends.

Disallowing two persons of the same sex to marry, for the sake of safeguarding basic

ethical orders, is a different treatment, also obviously having no rational basis. Such

different treatment is incompatible with the spirit and meaning of the right to equality

as protected by Article 7 of the Constitution.

(9) The authorities concerned shall complete the amendment or enactment of

relevant laws in accordance with the ruling of this Interpretation, within two years

after the announcement of this Interpretation. It is within the discretion of the

authorities concerned to determine the formality (for example, revision of the

Marriage Chapter, enactment of a special Chapter in Part IV on Family of the Civil

Code, enactment of a special law, or other formality) for achieving the equal

protection of the freedom of marriage for two persons of the same sex.

(10) If the amendment or enactment of relevant laws is not completed within the

said two-year timeframe, two persons of the same sex who intend to create a

permanent union of intimate and exclusive nature for the committed purpose of

managing a life together may, pursuant to the provisions of the Marriage Chapter,

apply for marriage registration to the authorities in charge of household registration,

by submitting a document signed by two or more witnesses. Any such two persons,

once registered, shall be accorded the status of a legally recognized couple, and then

enjoy the rights and bear the obligations arising on couples.

Justice Jui-Ming Huang recused himself and took no part in the deliberation, oral

arguments or the decision of this case.

Justice Horng-Shya Huang filed a dissenting opinion in part. Justice Chen-Huan Wu

filed a dissenting opinion.







  • 東部刺五加草本植物功效與作用及食用方法
  • 東部刺五加草本植物功效與作用及食用方法-毛脈三葉五加,在低海拔地區的農民期實並不喜歡他,還替取了個名字叫『恰查某』呢!那究竟什麼是”東部刺五加草本植物功效與作用及食用方法”呢,是五種東西加在一起嗎? 在天下第一藥典《本草綱目》中確實記載《本草綱目》稱為『五佳』,李時珍說這種藥以「五片葉」長在一起的為好,故名「五加」又名「五花」,「五加」實是「五佳」之意。


    東部刺五加草本植物功效與作用及食用方法台灣全島低中海拔常見全株具有鉤刺農民因為她的鉤刺會帶來傷害戲稱她為「恰查某」除之後快植物分類上為五加科五加屬因葉片常「三片葉」所以才有如此的名字「五加」是著名的中藥材酒加入皮就是所謂的「五加皮」 全身帶有鉤刺而稱為「刺三加或刺三甲」東部刺五加草本植物功效與作用及食用方法三葉五加(Acanthopanax trifoliatus (L.) MERR.)為唯一台灣產五加屬植物,毛脈三葉五加(Acanthopanax trifoliatus var. setosus)則為三葉五加的變種,三葉五加、毛脈三葉五加與刺五加 (Acanthopanax senticosus HARMS)同屬五加科五加屬之植物,是中藥南五加皮原料之一。東部刺五加草本植物功效與作用及食用方法的功效良多,也有許多專業機構進行研究及臨床實驗,可以參考"刺五加的神奇療效"這本著作。

  • 東部毛脈三葉五加泡酒
  • 東部毛脈三葉五加泡酒-毛脈三葉五加,在低海拔地區的農民期實並不喜歡他,還替取了個名字叫『恰查某』呢!那究竟什麼是”東部毛脈三葉五加泡酒”呢,是五種東西加在一起嗎? 在天下第一藥典《本草綱目》中確實記載《本草綱目》稱為『五佳』,李時珍說這種藥以「五片葉」長在一起的為好,故名「五加」又名「五花」,「五加」實是「五佳」之意。


    東部毛脈三葉五加泡酒台灣全島低中海拔常見全株具有鉤刺農民因為她的鉤刺會帶來傷害戲稱她為「恰查某」除之後快植物分類上為五加科五加屬因葉片常「三片葉」所以才有如此的名字「五加」是著名的中藥材酒加入皮就是所謂的「五加皮」 全身帶有鉤刺而稱為「刺三加或刺三甲」東部毛脈三葉五加泡酒三葉五加(Acanthopanax trifoliatus (L.) MERR.)為唯一台灣產五加屬植物,毛脈三葉五加(Acanthopanax trifoliatus var. setosus)則為三葉五加的變種,三葉五加、毛脈三葉五加與刺五加 (Acanthopanax senticosus HARMS)同屬五加科五加屬之植物,是中藥南五加皮原料之一。東部毛脈三葉五加泡酒的功效良多,也有許多專業機構進行研究及臨床實驗,可以參考"刺五加的神奇療效"這本著作。

  • 東部西伯利亞人蔘的功效與作用
  • 東部西伯利亞人蔘的功效與作用-毛脈三葉五加,在低海拔地區的農民期實並不喜歡他,還替取了個名字叫『恰查某』呢!那究竟什麼是”東部西伯利亞人蔘的功效與作用”呢,是五種東西加在一起嗎? 在天下第一藥典《本草綱目》中確實記載《本草綱目》稱為『五佳』,李時珍說這種藥以「五片葉」長在一起的為好,故名「五加」又名「五花」,「五加」實是「五佳」之意。


    東部西伯利亞人蔘的功效與作用台灣全島低中海拔常見全株具有鉤刺農民因為她的鉤刺會帶來傷害戲稱她為「恰查某」除之後快植物分類上為五加科五加屬因葉片常「三片葉」所以才有如此的名字「五加」是著名的中藥材酒加入皮就是所謂的「五加皮」 全身帶有鉤刺而稱為「刺三加或刺三甲」東部西伯利亞人蔘的功效與作用三葉五加(Acanthopanax trifoliatus (L.) MERR.)為唯一台灣產五加屬植物,毛脈三葉五加(Acanthopanax trifoliatus var. setosus)則為三葉五加的變種,三葉五加、毛脈三葉五加與刺五加 (Acanthopanax senticosus HARMS)同屬五加科五加屬之植物,是中藥南五加皮原料之一。東部西伯利亞人蔘的功效與作用的功效良多,也有許多專業機構進行研究及臨床實驗,可以參考"刺五加的神奇療效"這本著作。

  • 卓溪鄉刺五加根泡酒
  • 卓溪鄉刺五加根泡酒-毛脈三葉五加,在低海拔地區的農民期實並不喜歡他,還替取了個名字叫『恰查某』呢!那究竟什麼是”卓溪鄉刺五加根泡酒”呢,是五種東西加在一起嗎? 在天下第一藥典《本草綱目》中確實記載《本草綱目》稱為『五佳』,李時珍說這種藥以「五片葉」長在一起的為好,故名「五加」又名「五花」,「五加」實是「五佳」之意。


    卓溪鄉刺五加根泡酒台灣全島低中海拔常見全株具有鉤刺農民因為她的鉤刺會帶來傷害戲稱她為「恰查某」除之後快植物分類上為五加科五加屬因葉片常「三片葉」所以才有如此的名字「五加」是著名的中藥材酒加入皮就是所謂的「五加皮」 全身帶有鉤刺而稱為「刺三加或刺三甲」卓溪鄉刺五加根泡酒三葉五加(Acanthopanax trifoliatus (L.) MERR.)為唯一台灣產五加屬植物,毛脈三葉五加(Acanthopanax trifoliatus var. setosus)則為三葉五加的變種,三葉五加、毛脈三葉五加與刺五加 (Acanthopanax senticosus HARMS)同屬五加科五加屬之植物,是中藥南五加皮原料之一。卓溪鄉刺五加根泡酒的功效良多,也有許多專業機構進行研究及臨床實驗,可以參考"刺五加的神奇療效"這本著作。

  • 花東刺五加根的功效
  • 花東刺五加根的功效-毛脈三葉五加,在低海拔地區的農民期實並不喜歡他,還替取了個名字叫『恰查某』呢!那究竟什麼是”花東刺五加根的功效”呢,是五種東西加在一起嗎? 在天下第一藥典《本草綱目》中確實記載《本草綱目》稱為『五佳』,李時珍說這種藥以「五片葉」長在一起的為好,故名「五加」又名「五花」,「五加」實是「五佳」之意。


    花東刺五加根的功效台灣全島低中海拔常見全株具有鉤刺農民因為她的鉤刺會帶來傷害戲稱她為「恰查某」除之後快植物分類上為五加科五加屬因葉片常「三片葉」所以才有如此的名字「五加」是著名的中藥材酒加入皮就是所謂的「五加皮」 全身帶有鉤刺而稱為「刺三加或刺三甲」花東刺五加根的功效三葉五加(Acanthopanax trifoliatus (L.) MERR.)為唯一台灣產五加屬植物,毛脈三葉五加(Acanthopanax trifoliatus var. setosus)則為三葉五加的變種,三葉五加、毛脈三葉五加與刺五加 (Acanthopanax senticosus HARMS)同屬五加科五加屬之植物,是中藥南五加皮原料之一。花東刺五加根的功效的功效良多,也有許多專業機構進行研究及臨床實驗,可以參考"刺五加的神奇療效"這本著作。


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